Cathedral at Noon

Music by Karlheinz Stockhausen and Haworth Hodgkinson

Saturday 19 May 2018 • 12 noon
St Andrew's Cathedral • 28 King Street • ABERDEEN • AB24 5AX

St Andrew's Cathedral Aberdeen

Admission free – donations welcome

Buffet lunch to follow


Karlheinz Stockhausen: Right Durations from Aus den sieben Tagen (1968)

Haworth Hodgkinson: South Breakwater (2016)

Haworth Hodgkinson: Prime Rant (2018)

We begin this concert with the first piece in Karlheinz Stockhausen's first collection of intuitive music, Aus den sieben Tagen, written exactly fifty years ago in May 1968. To celebrate this anniversary we are joined by Mark Spalding, whose Mars in Aquarius project led to the foundation of Intuitive Music Aberdeen.

We follow the Stockhausen with two pieces by ensemble member Haworth Hodgkinson. South Breakwater is a slow and gentle piece for multiple keyboards, which takes its name from a pier that protects Peterhead harbour. This piece should ideally be played on keyboards tuned in 19-tone equal temperament, but for technical reasons today's performance uses conventional 12-tone tuning. You can hear a 19-tone version on Haworth Hodgkinson's album Lanterns, available on the High Moss label.

We end with Prime Rant, which gives us a chance to play in some odd rhythms. The piece is mostly in 13 beats to the bar, but for one section we slip into 11 beats and for another we play in a 17-beat rhythm.


Mark Spalding (keyboard, melodica, electronics)

Haworth Hodgkinson (keyboard, recorders, percussion)

Mandy Macdonald (keyboard, voice, percussion)

Colin Edwards (guitar, keyboard, voice, percussion)


St Andrew's Cathedral • 28 King Street • ABERDEEN • AB24 5AX


St Andrew's Cathedral Aberdeen

High Moss

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